By Dave Diamond
While watching BBC one night they featured a game by some american
called schoolyard slaughter in which the aim was to kill kids like the
hit game zombie appocalypse. They showed the firm (penguin software)
and that the manager said that they had recieved the game a year ago
before dunblane (yeah right). The whole fuss was the sickness of this
game,yes ok it`s sick but hang on a minute I have a few points here,
first they put the final nail in the amigas coffin by showing the amiga
a600 computer, why? they also showed the games graphics from afar so my
point is this if they are so opposed to this then why show the game at
all? surely some kid is going to think `hey that looks a great game I
think I`ll get that`. Secondly what about the game Doom? that wasn`t
on the TV now was it but the game is about killing every dam thing
right? The media is to blame for this as they encourage people to do
these crimes by constantly bombarding us with images of violence and
The amiga kicks ass and I dont care about this game at all, so get off
the amigas back you bastards!!!!!
[Censorship laws are getting tougher and extreme violence in commerial
games in the future is to be more closely monitired. A recent survey
released by the Home Office says that violence is caused mostly by the
entertainment industry and needs to be monitored more closely by Mary
Whitehouse types. Send your views in now.. Kei]